Welcome to the site of 216 (Parachute) Signal Squadron. As the remaining independent ROYAL SIGNALS Squadron, 216 is a highly motivated Squadron capable of fulfilling demanding tasks as it supports 16 Air Assault Brigade.
With such a busy agenda it is surprising how much the Squadron is able to achieve in a year however success is deep in our ethos and is something strived to achieve by the members of the Airborne family here.
The Squadron involves itself in Corps competitions and has members who represent the Corps itself in Army competitions throughout the year. It is due to the highly able and motivated personnel within the Squadron that all the success is possible. This success stretches from the Lanyard Trophy Competition which 216 has made a habit of winning to members passing a physically challenging course- P Company.
All members of the Squadron, both past and present should hold a high level of pride for being associated to such a fantastic body of like minded individuals. Please enjoy the site and don't hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions about the Squadron.